Pokemon Adventure - Red Chapter GBA ROM
Hack Original: Pokemon FireRed
Status: Beta 15 + Expansion
Language: English
Category: GBA
Pokémon Adventure Red Chapter is a well-known fan-made ROM hack of the Pokémon FireRed version for the Game Boy Advance. It’s based on the "Pokémon Adventures" manga series, specifically following the storyline of the manga’s first protagonist, Red, rather than the traditional storyline found in the original games.
List of Features
- Follow the adventures of Pokémon Trainer Red: The storyline centers around the journey of Red, the main protagonist of the Pokémon Adventures manga.
- 2 Rivals: Blue and Green
- Multiple regions (including Alola): Pokémon Adventure Red Chapter goes beyond the standard Kanto region, allowing players to explore multiple areas, including the Orange Archipelago, Sevii Islands, and even Alola.
- Overhauled visuals compared to the original Pokémon Fire Red
- Playable Characters: In addition to Red, players have the opportunity to play as other key characters from the manga, such as Blue, Green, and Yellow. Each playable character has their own distinct storyline, giving players the chance to experience the game from multiple perspectives.
- Character Costumes
- Character Mugshots
- Day and Night System: The game implements a real-time day and night cycle, where the time of day changes based on the actual time you're playing. This system affects various in-game elements, such as wild Pokémon encounters, NPC schedules, and certain story events.
- The Level Cap has been raised from 100 to 255: Instead of the traditional level 100 cap seen in most Pokémon games, the level cap in Pokémon Adventure Red Chapter has been extended to 255.
- Reusable TMs!: This quality-of-life improvement enables players to experiment with different move sets without worrying about wasting valuable items. It encourages strategic flexibility, allowing for more diverse team building.
- Lens, an item that allows you to check the EVs and IVs of your party members: The Lens is a special item that gives players detailed information about their Pokémon’s Effort Values (EVs) and Individual Values (IVs). These stats are essential for those looking to optimize their Pokémon’s performance in battle. With the Lens, players can fine-tune their Pokémon's training and breeding to create the strongest possible team.
Developer: Aethestode