Pokemon Camp Baker GBA ROM

Download: Mediafire
Hack Original: Pokemon FireRed
Status: v1.1
Language: English
Category: GBA
You are a young boy who really wants to go to Camp Baker! A place said to make dreams come true, a place to learn about who you really are. Based on a real place. Now to continue with the story: Your mom then decides that it would be better for you to attend the new Pokemon Trainer School that just opened up in the small town of Rosewood. But Camp Baker is something that you've always dreamed of doing! So you sneak out later that night and escape to camp baker with your best friend. There you encounter new and familiar faces, fight the great area directors.
List of Features
- New outside tileset
- New region
- Lots of nicely made scripts.
- New overworld sprite
- No gyms. they are replaced by area directors and are not mandatory.
- New title screen
- Day and night
- Seasons

Developer: Joexv
Original Source: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=321555