Pokemon Chari & Zard GB ROM
Chari: Mediafire
Zard: Mediafire
Hack Original: Completed
Status: Pokemon Red
Language: English
Category: GB
Every Pokemon is a variant of Charizard, as a response to the trend Game Freak seems to be having by giving something special to the pokémon for each of the last 3 generations of games.
List of Features
- Charizardification
- Every mon has been Zardified. This means that every mon now: has its name changed to a Zard-themes name, has a special Zard sprite (including Ghost, and museum Fossils), and has its secondary type replaced by Fire
- Trade Evolutions now also evolve at level 42.
- Moon Stones are now buyable
- Ditto evolves into Mew at level 30.
- The two unchosen starters are in pokeballs somewhere in the pokemon world.
- The other fossil is in the house of someone known to collect fossils.
- The dojo now gives you the choice between a Tyrogue and another Tyrogue.
- Extended Kanto Dex
- And many other fun changes

Developer: coeurdhiver
Original Source: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=425881