Pokemon Custom Crystal GBC ROM
Download: Mediafire
Hack Original: Pokemon Crystal
Status: Final Beta
Language: English
Category: GBC
Custom Crystal is a difficulty hack and a QOL hack, it was inspired by Dray hack's but the difficulty is much lower than them.
List of Features
- All non-legendries have brandnew move sets! In gen 2, most move sets are subpar to say the least, but I've improved them so they have better moves than normal.
- Most Pokémon are catchable, outside of the legendary birds, and Celebi. Some Pokémon are moved from areas because they have been buffed.
- Ghost is changed to special, and Dark has been changed to Physical.
- Some dialogue edits! Most of them are kind of buggy.
- Gym Leaders have new teams, with most of them actually using Johto Pokémon!

Developer: Penny55gg
Original Source: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=442180