Pokemon Space World Crystal GBC ROM
Hack Original: Pokemon Crystal
Status: Beta v4.2
Language: English
Category: GBC
List of Features
- A fully playable version of Crystal, from start to finish
- The Pokemon as found in the 1997 Space World demo for Gold and Silver
- All sprites authentic to the Space World demo
- All new cries for the prototype Pokemon
- All new base stats for the prototype Pokemon
- All new movesets for the prototype Pokemon, with the focus on making the demo Pokemon fun to use
- Bringing familiar faces in line with their demo incarnation
- Making all the demo Pokemon available in the wild
- Making sure that all demo Pokemon can be evolved(new items etc.)
- Updates to trainer rosters to incorporate the demo Pokemon
- Updates to events where needed

Developer: The Shadow Knight
Original Source: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=414556