Pokemon Gold HardType GBC ROM
Download: Mediafire
Hack Original: Pokemon Gold
Status: v2.0
Language: English
This hack turns the entirety of the game from JOHTO to KANTO into an actual challenge. Building a balanced team and grinding are both highly recommended. Save often.
The difficulty of this hack is not quite on the level of Kaizo Crystal or Blue, but its a good bit harder than the challenge mode included on the newest Pokemon games. KANTO is considerably harder than JOHTO is as well.
Team Rocket is actually competent.
Wild pokemon in some areas are changed as well.
You will not survive.
Also, there are minibosses everywhere. If you don’t HAVE to fight a trainer (IE: they can be avoided), there’s a good chance that the trainer is exceptionally strong.
If you’re a Nuzlocker, I would avoid this hack.
Developer: Werewolfyman
Original Source: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/1632/