Pokemon Lavandonia GBA ROM

Hack Name: Pokemon Lavandonia
Hack Original: Pokemon FireRed
Language: Italian
Hack Original: Pokemon FireRed
Language: Italian
Our protagonist is called by Prof. Oak for a very important mission ... Darkness has fallen in the Kanto region, and you are sent, together with your rival, to the city of Lavandonia to investigate ... On your way you will discover, thanks to mediums, that Prof. Oak is an imposter, and he had devised all this staging to create a Super Pokémon, with the intent of conquering Kanto! Unfortunately, the professor succeeds in his intent, and you will be forced to face him and his new PoKémon “Steregan” on the Lavandonia tower! After "finished" the game, there will be a subplot in the septipelago, where the protagonist will have to face a mysterious character!
List of Features
- Modified game path. (After Viridian City, the next city will be Cinnamon Island and so on)
- There are pokémon from urban legends and Pokémon from generations above the third.
- The gym leaders are the same, but with different pokémon.