Pokemon Wish GBA ROM

Hack Name: Pokemon Wish
Hack Original: Pokemon FireRed
Status: Beta v1.1
Language: English
Hack Original: Pokemon FireRed
Status: Beta v1.1
Language: English
The Acromian civilization has survived for thousands of years, growing from humble trading ports to large empires. An ancient war began, decimating not only Acromia, but the world. To ensure peace and prosperity, a young Lord appealed to the Wishmaker and its five keys to ending senseless violence.
One thousand years later, a young hero is visited by a mysterious force and sent off on a journey to help a drunken Professor. With Acromia under a new government, and a cult seeking to revive the Wishmaker, the hero must tread lightly in a foreign world, and still try to retain their youthful innocence.
Why did Acromia suddenly change its political system?
Why does the Black Blood clan seek to revive the Wishmaker?
Who or what is the mysterious being guiding you?
Will you or your brother challenge the Acromian League first, and who will fill up more of the Pokedex?
All of these questions and more will be asked and answered. It is up to you- the player (be it Cole or Egypt) to figure them out.
List of Features
- A whole new region to explore, with later gyms able to be done in any order of your choosing
- An all original cast of characters
- 386 Pokemon, and 14 alternate forms
- Physical Special Split
- Some custom Pokedex entries
- Gen 7 level up-sets, updated attack data, and updated Pokemon stats (ex. Nidoking attack increase)
- Custom TM's that are infinite use
- Pokemon from all 7 Generations thus far, at least 30 from each gen minimum
- DS style sprites
- Custom tiles in some areas
- BW Repel System
- Colored Natures, Fairy Types, Poison Survival, and Mega Evolution
- Deletable HM's
- Trainers face you during encounters
- Decapitalization of everything, and custom menus
- Shiny Quagsire's Day and Night system
- 2 ish regions, the first arc being Acromia, and the second being a war-torn Acromian colony