Pokemon Versione Spugnosa (Italian/GBA)

Pokemon Versione Spugnosa GBA ROM

Pokemon Versione Spugnosa Cover, Title

Download: Mediafire

Hack Name: Pokemon Versione Spugnosa
Hack Original: Pokemon Ruby
Status: Beta 1
Language: Italian 


A bikini bottom plankton has sprayed a strange gas that gives voice to all living and non-living things, it may seem beautiful, but in reality, it is just a dirty plan to ask a krabby putty directly for his secret formula! You have to leave to stop plankton and to avoid krusty krub's failure! Download it from this link, but it is not a complete hack ROM so it is a beta (it goes up to Rock Bottom). And then I haven't changed the intro yet, in fact, there is the prof. Birch instead of Patrick!


Pokemon Versione Spugnosa Screenshot 00Pokemon Versione Spugnosa Screenshot 01Pokemon Versione Spugnosa Screenshot 02Pokemon Versione Spugnosa Screenshot 03Pokemon Versione Spugnosa Screenshot 04Pokemon Versione Spugnosa Screenshot 05

Developer: Francesco998